Conference 2022
Location:University Place, University of Manchester and MedAll Date:12 November 2022 Theme: ‘The Future of Our Scalpel’ Surgery has developed and grown extensively throughout history and continues to evolve to solve ever-changing medical challenges. In the future, surgery will be a synergic collaboration between surgeons, digital technology, machines and robots. This conference will aim to explore…
Life of a Medical Student During a Pandemic
The final instalment to this series is by Emma Mackender, a current 5th year medical student, sharing her views of intercalation during the pandemic. It’s such a bizarre realisation that a global pandemic is what it takes to stop medical education. I couldn’t quite believe I wouldn’t be sitting my exams, it almost felt wrong,…
Life of a Medical Student During a Pandemic
The penultimate instalment to this series is from Amerikos Argyriou, our President and current 5th year medical student, sharing his views on 4th year during the pandemic. At times, opportunities for learning on the ward seemed as hard to find as water in a desert. We were (somehow) shown how to perform our MSK examinations,…
Life of a Medical Student During a Pandemic
After a brief summer break, continuing the series is Georgia Savvides giving her view of being a third year medical student. I rushed onto the last flight to my home in Cyprus. My flight arrived at 4:36pm and the border closed at 5pm. I’ll never forget the faces of the students that arrived on the…